This book, by the Doctors Thrash, contains background, studies and uses of charcoal. Explains why and how, even shows how one can make one's own charcoal! A perfect resource for those who need to know how to use charcoal and why it is so effective.
Rx: Charcoal (book)
108 pages, illustrated. Fifteen chapters, including How Charcoal Works, Ipcac vs. Charcoal, Overdoses and Toxic Accidents, The Poisoned Child, Important Treatments with Charcoal (including diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, cancer symptoms, diabetes, intestinal gas and others), Deodorizing with Charcoal, Specific Conditions Treated (including venomous bites, bee stings, spider bites, eye and ear conditions, infections, jaudice in the newborn, poison ivy, and others). Also includes a Quick Reference Guide to mixing and using slurries, poultices and administrations for poisonings.
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